Mrs. Wirth's Home Page


Sight Word Concentration:
When our new words come home on Monday, make two sets of cards on index cards. After reviewing the words, lay all the cards out face down. Then you, and your child, can take turns trying to match the words. When someone locates a match, they must say the word in order to get the match. The person with the most pairs wins.

Sight Word Go Fish:
Make two sets of sight word cards and wild cards. Wild cards can be old sight words or other cards that can be matched. Everyone is given cards until they are all passed out. If anyone has a pair in their hand, they may lay it down, but they must be able to say the word in order to keep the set. Each person then draws one card from the other person and tries to get the match. The game continues until no more matches can be made. The person with the most matches wins. 

Writing the Fun Way:
Take a cookie sheet and cover it with shaving cream, sand or finger paint. Have the child write the sight word in the substance. If your child likes to use their hands this could be a great way for them to learn. After they write each word in the substance, have them say it.

Putting Back the Pieces:
Cut the sight word into individual letters or use magnetic letters. Tell the child the sight word and have them use the letters to spell the word. Then ask them to repeat the word they have made. 

Sentence Building:
As your child gains an understanding of several sight words, work with them on creating sentences with the words they know. This will help them to use the words in context. 

Please review sight words with your child, as it will help them to become a better reader and writer.